- :: an organized whole that is perceived as more than the sum of its parts.
can be used as a powerful design device where both positive and negative space compete for the same spatial field
thus, shapes or objects compete for ground
or shapes or objects compete for figure
thereby, creating an optical illusion
M.C. Escher - tessellating dogs (both are figure)
Hartford Whalers Hockey team
Choose a theme from the best book titles below to illustrate.
Your illustration will consist of a two part figure / ground reversal, making use of two colors.
Your design may be completed in paper and need not be black and white.
Your design may be completed in India ink, gouache paint, acrylic paint, or found papers.
You may tessellate* your work - flipping the design over a number of cells to make a pattern.
Your work may be horizontal or vertical orientation.
Your work dimensions must be larger than 12" on any one side.
use one of these best book titles