Sunday, September 6, 2015


TUE AUG 25  classes begin
WED AUG 26 introduction + investigation #1
FRI AUG 29 Design Process
investigation #1 DUE

MON AUG 31 Lecture: The Frame
TUE SEP 01 end of Add/Drop
WED SEP 02  Mark + Line + Shape + Void
                   non-objective / abstraction / representation / subjective response
FRI SEP 04    line + shape transitions : emotional line

DESIGN PROCESS > thinking > looking > doing > critique > re-evaluating > thinking > doing ...

MON SEP 07  Lecture: Gestalt theory + organization
                       Critique Transitions
WED SEP 09  Figure / Ground Relationships - unity - proportion scale
FRI SEP 11     Illustrate best book titles

4. five deconstructive analysis due
MON SEP 14  Lecture: Focal Point > dominance > value + contrast 
WED SEP 16  Focal Point > dominance > value + contrast 
                       Critique Figure / Ground - book title illustrations 
FRI SEP 18    isolation + placement
5.  ten deconstructive analysis due
MON SEP 21  Focal Point > dominance > value + contrast 
WED SEP 23  Critique Focal Point > dominance > value + contrast                     
FRI SEP 25     Video: Wasteland by Vic Muniz
                        bring in your gouache and brushes next class
                        3 page response to the WASTELAND: 
                        i. What is the global impact of Vic Muniz?
                       ii. What are the current efforts of Muniz, other artists/designers and organizations that hope
                           affect change on a regional, national and/or global level? Due: 09.28.2015
SAT SEPT 26 Open House 1

6. fifteen deconstructive analysis due
MON SEP 28  Lecture: Color Mapping + Light
                        color perception > intensity > Afterimage > successive contrast > simultaneous            
                        mixing > contrast > optical color > afterimage > optical movement 
                        complimentary color schema / color mixing > Bezold schema
                        optical movement > afterimage > Monochromatic / Analogous  
                        Color wheel development
WED SEP 30  color wheel & supimultaneous contrast - vibrating compliments + transparency
FRI OCT 02    Complimentary - transparency + Bezold schema
FRI > SUN OCT 02-04 Homecoming / Family Weekend 

7. midterm
      twenty deconstructive analysis due
MON OCT 05   Lecture: Modules + Patterning > unity + repetition > texture
                         paint - color wheels - primaries - secondaries - compliments and tertiaries
WED OCT 07  Lecture: Modules + Patterning > unity + repetition > texture
                         paint - color wheels - primaries - secondaries - compliments and tertiaries
FRI OCT 09   Film: Andy Goldsworthy: Rivers and Tides, 2001 
                        Introduction to Midterm project: Use of found materials only > 
                        structure your rules from what you now know    

8.  twenty-five deconstructive analysis due
MON + TU OCT 12+13   autumn break
WED OCT 14   Critique Color mapping
                         Found Materials > Self - directed projects
FRI OCT 16     Found Materials > Self - directed projects

9.   thirty deconstructive analysis due
MON OCT 19   Critique > Self Directed projects
                         Bring in the RULES you created for the project and what concepts you wished to employ
WED OCT 21  Lecture:  Balance : crystallographic balance
FRI OCT 23    Balance : crystallographic balance

10.  thirty-five deconstructive analysis due
MON OCT 26   Lecture: Deconstruction of a Master
WED OCT 28   Deconstruction of a Master
FRI OCT 30 last day to withdrawal from a class
                         Deconstruction of a Master > triptych - deconstruction - mixed media - presentation

11.  forty deconstructive analysis due
MON NOV 02  CRIT: Deconstruction of a Master
registration week begins
WED NOV 04  Time, Chance, Motion, Abstraction
FRI NOV 06    Depth Cues > Linear perspective + amplified depth

12.   forty-five deconstructive analysis due
MON NOV 09   Linear perspective + amplified depth
WED NOV 11   Critique: Linear perspective + amplified depth
FRI NOV 13     Lecture: Final Project assignment + idea generation

13.   fifty deconstructive analysis due
MON NOV 16  Linear perspective + amplified depth Multiple perspective + Isometric projection
WED NOV 18  One on One conferences with Student Directed final project ideas  > 1 page project proposal + 4 thumbnails concept sketches
FRI NOV 20     Linear perspective / Final project work

14.  fifty-five deconstructive analysis due
MON NOV 23  Linear perspective / Final project work
TUE NOV 24 Residence Halls close @ 7 PM
WED NOV 25 Thanksgiving
FRI NOV 27    Thanksgiving break
SUN NOV 29  Residence Halls open @ 10 AM

MON NOV 30  CRITIQUE: Linear Perspective / Space is Illusion, but so is Depth
WED DEC 02   student directed projects
FRI DEC 04     student directed projects

MON DEC 07 last day of classes / Reading Day - no class
TUESDAY DEC 08 @ 8-10 am FINAL EXAM > Final Project due for critique + copies of your Ernst Haeckel and your thumbnail concept sketches. Please have installed prior to 8 AM! 
FRI  DEC 11 Residence Halls close @ 7 PM

TUE DEC 15 Final Grades Due