Saturday, August 22, 2015

deconstruction analysis

Da Vinci . Dachshunds . c. 1510

journal entries

On a weekly basis, each student will add to a growing ‘visual library’ from found examples from the 2D world. Examples may be gathered from magazines, websites, etc.  The examples will include historical and contemporary visual works from any design practice.  The examples may include printed forms or electronic files. 

Lisa & Me, Club Lisa Frank
 poster c. 1995

Found visual examples will include 25 historical (prior to your birth year) and 25 contemporary visual works. 

Deposit each example into your journal on a weekly basis and number 1/50, 2/50, 3/50... 49/50, 50/50.

Provide bibliographical source material, noting ARTIST/DESIGNER, TITLE/PRODUCT, YEAR, DIMENSIONS, MEDIA and URL link source, bibliographic information.  

Make a number of notes that thoroughly describe the fundamental elements of the design application.

principles of design to be studied
color > hue, value, saturation, intensity
pattern + texture
time + transformation

elements of design to be studied
focal point > emphasis > organization > placement
figure / ground relationships
color systems > temperatures > psychology of 
organization > compositional practices > unity
balance > portion + scale
how is media being handled

At minimum, you need to explore 4 design Principles and 4 Elements of design.
Discuss thoroughly.
By the conclusion of the semester, each student will have a collection of found examples numbering 50 minimum.

student work